Get Ready to Succeed
Scholarships for excellent high school pupils in their final year and students at state universities, having lost one or both parents, or having grown up at specialized institutions.
Get Ready to Succeed Scholarships
The scholarships are given to excellent pupils at 11th and 12th grade as well as to students at state universities, having lost one or both parents, or having grown up at specialized institutions.
“Get Ready to Succeed” is a program, created by BCause Foundation. It started in 2006.
The scholarships are entirely provided by donations and the main criterion is the results, demonstrated by the applicants. We support young people, not only because they have been deprived of something in life, but because they have impressive achievements, excellent results at school and are goal-oriented, motivated and active. Through this programme our grantees will not only have the chance to continue their education, but also to receive support for their career start as well as to meet potential employers.
The minimal academic record for applying is 5.00 (very good) for students and above 5.50 (excellent) for pupils.
BGN 3000 is the amount of the scholarship for students and BGN 1500 for a pupil at 11th and 12th grade.
The number of the “Get Ready to Succeed” scholarships depends on the amount of money, having been raised throughout the year.
For 17 years we have secured 1755 annual scholarships totally amounting to over 2 533 500 leva.

You can choose the most convenient way for you to regularly support the causes that matter to you.
- Regular monthly payroll donation – supported by BCause
- Online donations via
- Online donations via or
- sent a donors sms with text DMS USPEH to number 17777

In 2014, Get Ready for Succeed Programme brought us the White Swallow Award.
You can feed someone for a day, but you can help them study and thus feed him for life.

Number of grantees through the years
2016/2017: 124 scholarships the total amount of which is BGN 201 800
2015/2016: 135 scholarships the total amount of which is BGN 250 100
2014/2015: 128 scholarships the total amount of which is BGN248 340
2013/2014: 109 scholarships the total amount of which is BGN 171 500
2012/2013: 87 scholarships the total amount of which is BGN 143 960
2011/2012: 111 scholarships the total amount of which is BGN 167 000
2010/2011: 117 scholarships.