Donating and engaging in social and environmental issues as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an obligatory element in the profile of more and more companies. But what are these commitments and how to manage them so that it benefits the society and the development of the company and its employees, the spirit and image of the company?

Corporate Social Responsibility is now an obligatory element of the profile of more and more companies. BCause supports companies in choosing specific engagements in social and ecological themes that are adequate to their environment, employees, and corporate goals. We collect communities of donors who unite their resources in favor of major causes; communities where even little contribution matters. We help to engage employees, clients and to understand the achievements and design of new development goals.

Reliable recipients of donations

For companies that want to make donations, we offer a choice of diverse causes, verified nonprofit organisations and other institutions, as well as the BCause Foundation charitable funds. Funds are an opportunity for donors who have thematic preferences, but not a specific organization choice.

Ангажиране на служителите

Включването на служителите в социално-отговорни програми, дарителство и доброволчество от работното място помага за привличане и задържане на добри служители, увеличава одобрението и мотивацията за работа и прави атмосферата в офиса далеч по-приятна.

CSR programs - from development to implementation

We have been helping companies throughout the process of developing and implementing social engagement programs for more than 20 years - from discussing key themes and target communities, in-depth research into the problem, and approaches to solving it, to realizing the ideas.

Trainings and consultations

BCause is the right partner to start planning or advise if you want your programmes to be more useful. Our experience in supporting donors and charity causes makes our training for CSR, PR, and HR experts both profound and very practical.

Ангажиране на служителите

Включването на служителите в социално-отговорни програми, дарителство и доброволчество от работното място помага за привличане и задържане на добри служители, увеличава одобрението и мотивацията за работа и прави атмосферата в офиса далеч по-приятна. За компанията участието на хора от екипа е първият обективен тест за нейните социални проекти. Одобрението от вътрешните хора е начална гаранция за одобрението, което проектът ще получи навън. А приносът на служителите с труд, пари и контакти е допълнителен ресурс.

Payroll Giving
(Since 2001)

We created the first Bulgarian professional scheme for payroll giving - an easy way for employees to donate each month a small amount directly from their salary. With the payroll giving employers and employees can work together for a common cause.

The program benefits from the support of more than 40 employers. The annual payroll donations are nearly 500,000 leva for more than 50 causes.


Corporate Volunteering
(Since 2008)

We organise volunteer days on company requests - from the selection of hosts and activities to the overall plan of the event. We partner with agencies in organising events and team-building with a cause.

Together with the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, we traditionally organise the Volunteer Days in May.



Annual Award “Responsible Company - Responsible Employees” (since 2014)

Together with the Bulgarian Public Relations Association and the Bulgarian Association for People Management, BCause Foundation established the Annual Award of Donation from the Workplace "Responsible Company - Responsible Employees".

It is awarded to companies that promote the payroll giving or other form of regular, monthly donation from the workplace.



Developed by us CSR programs are the carriers of:

Awards of the Bulgarian Donor Forum in 2008, 2009 and 2010;

Awards of the Business Leaders Forum in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011;

Awards of the „Pari” newspaper;

Awards of the Bulgarian Human Resources Management and Development Association, etc.


Данъчни облекчения за дарители

Данъчни облекчения за компании

Документ за дарението

Фондация BCause издава на всички свои дарители

документ, удостоверяващ направеното дарение/я,

който Ви дава право да ползвате данъчно облекчение при подаване на годишната данъчна декларация.

Данъчни облекчения за частни лица

Документ за дарението

Фондация BCause издава на всички свои дарители

документ, удостоверяващ направеното дарение/я,

който Ви дава право да ползвате данъчно облекчение при подаване на годишната данъчна декларация.