We will offer you a choice of meaningful causes and effective ways to support them. We'll make sure your donation reaches its destination and you get feedback.
We can offer you the most convenient giving mechanism and a suitable cause or programme. Explore the organisations and people who are looking for donations via the and the Unified Charitable Number in Bulgaria (DMS 17 777). Join a team of colleagues in payroll-giving for favorite causes. Donate time and talent by joining a volunteer initiative and become a part of Pro Bono' Professionals Club.
The BCause Foundation has offered online donation in favor of charity causes when online payments have just entered Bulgaria. Today, charities and active people can make donations online for their chosen causes in two ways - DMS 17 777 and
Donation from the workplace (since 2001)
If you want to donate easily and quickly for your chosen causes, you can talk to your employer about introducing a payroll donation to the company you are working in. You can choose which organization you want to support and how much it will be transferred from your salary every month directly from your employer's accountancy.
If you live outside Bulgaria and want to donate funds for a Bulgarian cause, we can offer you a choice of working organizations. And if tax relief for donation in the country where you live is significant, we can help you add this factor to your motivation to support a cause in Bulgaria. The BCause Foundation is a member of international networks that facilitate tax efficient cross-border donation.
You can donate your experience and knowledge - by joining the Pro Bono Professional Club. The BCause Foundation mediates between people with expertise in a variety of fields wishing to provide professional pro bono services and organizations and public institutions that need professional help. They are united in a club that regularly gathers and discusses topics of common interest.
Данъчни облекчения за дарители
Данъчни облекчения за компании
Фондация BCause издава на всички свои дарители
документ, удостоверяващ направеното дарение/я,
който Ви дава право да ползвате данъчно облекчение при подаване на годишната данъчна декларация.
Данъчни облекчения за частни лица
Фондация BCause издава на всички свои дарители
документ, удостоверяващ направеното дарение/я,
който Ви дава право да ползвате данъчно облекчение при подаване на годишната данъчна декларация.