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CAF World Giving Index

The CAF World Giving Index is based on data from the Gallup's World Poll conducted among 148 000 people in over 140 countries, which together account for about 96% of the world's population (about 5, 1 billion people). The giving index is an average of three aspects of donor behavior - helping a stranger, donating money and volunteering.

The results are announced by CAF Global Alliance, and in Bulgaria by its Bulgarian member BCause Foundation (until recently Bulgarian Charities Aid Foundation).

CAF World Giving Index 2021


България е на 45 място, отчита Световният дарителски индекс на КАФ 2021 (CAF World Giving Index 2021) – най-авторитетното проучване, което измерва щедростта в 114 държави.

Ежегодно проучване на глобалната щедрост разкрива огромното влияние на пандемията COVID-19 върху благотворителността – в позитивен, и в негативен план.

Резултатите са оповестени от CAF Global Alliance и българския й член Фондация BCause: помощ за благотворителността.

Повече за проучването

How many people in Bulgaria in 2020...

... helped a stranger64%
... donated money34%
... volunteered12%

Giving Index of Bulgaria is 37%.

Bulgaria is ranked 45.

CAF World Giving Index, 10th edition


A 10-year-study of global giving that surveyed 1.3 million people reveals that despite a growing culture of giving across dozens of countries, a recent downward trend in donations in some of the world’s wealthiest places has emerged.

The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) World Giving Index 10th anniversary report examined aggregate data for each country across 10 years (2009-2018), drawing on surveys in 128 countries in order to capture longer term trends.

Повече за проучването

How many people in Bulgaria in last 10 years...

... helped a stranger 36%
... donated money 16%
... volunteered5%